Prototyping Chipyard SoC on FPGA - Ubuntu and BWRC

Setting up Vivado

See the following tutorial to install Vivado.

pageInstalling Xilinx Vivado - Ubuntu 22.04

Use the following command to add vivado to PATH

source ~/Documents/Xilinx/Vivado/2023.2/

Building Bitstream

cd $chipyard/
source ./
cd $chipyard/fpga/

to make default Arty 100T config

make SUB_PROJECT=arty100t bitstream

to make example config

make SUB_PROJECT=ExampleChipArty35TConfig bitstream
make SUB_PROJECT=ExampleChipArty100TConfig bitstream

make LD_SCRIPT=./bsp/examplechip/examplechip_scratch.ld ARCH=rv32imaczicsr ABI=ilp32

JTAG Debugging

See the following tutorial to set up FT-LINK.

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