Setting Up Chipyard - BWRC


This tutorial only applies for UC Berkeley students who has access to UC Berkeley BWRC Computer Clusters. For external users, please follow the tutorial to set up Chipyard on other platforms, including Ubuntu 2X.04 and Windows 10 with WSL.

System Environment

On BWRC login servers

1. Set up conda environment

Run the following commands to activate the base conda environment

source /tools/C/chiyufeng/Documents/mambaforge/bin/activate
conda activate base

2. Install conda-lock

If this is the first time conda is activated on the user environment, we need to install conda-lock.

conda install -n base conda-lock

3. Clone Chipyard

Open terminal in the working directory. Here, we will use the directory /tools/C/chiyufeng/tapeout/ as an example. In the terminal, execute the following command.

git clone

Set chipyard path to an environment variable. We will be referencing this path for our script locations from now on.

export chipyard=/tools/C/chiyufeng/Desktop/chipyard/
cd $chipyard

4. Configure Chipyard

By default, chipyard setup script initializes/installs things in the following order:

  1. Conda environment

  2. Chipyard submodules

  3. Toolchain collateral (Spike, PK, tests, libgloss)

  4. Ctags

  5. Chipyard pre-compile sources

  6. FireSim

  7. FireSim pre-compile sources

  8. FireMarshal

  9. FireMarshal pre-compile default buildroot Linux sources

  10. Runs repository clean-up

To execute the setup script, run the following command.

$chipyard/ riscv-tools -s 6 -s 7 -s 8 -s 9

The script will prompt the following message. Enter "y" and press Enter key to continue.

Alternatively, the release check prompt can be skipped by passing the "--force" flag.

$chipyard/ riscv-tools -s 6 -s 7 -s 8 -s 9 --force

5. On New Terminal

Finally, for every new terminal, run the following script to set up all the environment variables required by Chipyard.

source $chipyard/

6. Dealing with Failed Setups

If the setup script fails to compile, try running

git clean -fxd

Worst case, run this to re-link the submodules

git submodule deinit -f .

Last updated