Setting up Chipyard - Windows Subsystem Linux

System Environment

Hardware: Framework Laptop i7-1165G7

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro 21H2 Build 19044.2486

Subsystem Linux: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (WSL 2)

Chipyard version: 1.10.0

1. Install conda

Download conda from the miniforge release page.

Select the corresponding version and download the file ending with ".sh".

After download, we need to mark the script as executable. Enter the following command to set permissions to the file.

chmod +x ~/Downloads/

Then, execute the script.


Follow the installation prompt. The program will prompt you to input the installation location. Here, we are using /home/tk/Documents/mambaforge.

2. Install conda-lock

Chipyard also requires the conda-lock module. Install conda-lock by executing the following commands.

Note: after installing conda, the conda path is not added to the PATH environment variable of the current terminal. If the conda: command not found error occured, open a new terminal (or source ~./bashrc).

conda install -n base conda-lock==1.4.0
conda activate base

3. Clone Chipyard

Open terminal in a known location. Here, we will use the directory /home/tk/Desktop/. In the terminal, execute the following command.

git clone

if you are a Chipyard developer, use the ssh url instead:

git clone

export chipyard=/home/tk/Desktop/chipyard/
cd $chipyard

git checkout 1.10.0

3. Configure Chipyard

By default, chipyard setup script initializes/installs things in the following order:

  1. Conda environment

  2. Chipyard submodules

  3. Toolchain collateral (Spike, PK, tests, libgloss)

  4. Ctags

  5. Chipyard pre-compile sources

  6. FireSim

  7. FireSim pre-compile sources

  8. FireMarshal

  9. FireMarshal pre-compile default buildroot Linux sources

  10. Runs repository clean-up

To execute the setup script, run the following command.

$chipyard/ riscv-tools -s 6 -s 7 -s 8 -s 9

The script will prompt the following message. Enter "y" and press Enter key to continue.

Alternatively, the release check prompt can be skipped by passing the "--force" flag.

./ riscv-tools -s 6 -s 7 -s 8 -s 9 --force

4. On New Terminal

Finally, for every new terminal, run the following script to set up all the environment variables required by Chipyard.

source $chipyard/

Last updated